In 'Umpteen Thoughts,' Ankita Karn delves fearlessly into the depths of the human psyche. In a world bustling with hashtags and emojis, this collection emerges as a powerful voice, unafraid to tackle mental health battles, challenge societal norms...
In 'Umpteen Thoughts,' Ankita Karn delves fearlessly into the depths of the human psyche. In a world bustling with hashtags and emojis, this collection emerges as a powerful voice, unafraid to tackle mental health battles, challenge societal norms, and confront the shadows that haunt us. With poetic grace, the author paints vivid landscapes of pain and resilience, inviting readers on a profound journey of self-discovery and empathy. This book can help you place words to the voices echoing in your mind, questioning your sanity. This collection offers solace, assuring you that you're not alone in this challenging journey. Join this poetic escapade that mirrors your thoughts, battles your fears, and celebrates your strength.Let the poetic verses be your companion, reaffirming your strength and reminding you of the shared human experience.