The Atma is here itself. It is the light we see by.There is no need to go in search of it elsewhere. A person with renunciation is rich with Bliss and is close to the Atma. The poems are a dialogue with the Paramatma God and grows with the convict...
The Atma is here itself. It is the light we see by.There is no need to go in search of it elsewhere. A person with renunciation is rich with Bliss and is close to the Atma. The poems are a dialogue with the Paramatma God and grows with the conviction that the Atma ( Brahman) is all and there is nothing further to realize, once having comprehended the fact. It is e plained as is. " It is " is verily the truth about Brahman. Godly activities bring upon the realization of the Atma. Isness is the atmic principle. And it is happiness. It is Bliss. It cannot be known or perceived but it is verily all that there is to be known. Uttering the name of God quickens the realization of the Atmic state.