The story revolves around SWAT’s junior officer STEVE DANVERS who spotted the mothership and got mocked by the top officials for daydreaming. Danvers’ timely actions and alertness averted the danger for mankind. Danvers with his squad is ready to ...
The story revolves around SWAT’s junior officer STEVE DANVERS who spotted the mothership and got mocked by the top officials for daydreaming. Danvers’ timely actions and alertness averted the danger for mankind. Danvers with his squad is ready to take on a courageous war against a species of aliens called ‘Blackmorph’. This fictitious story is set on Earth and revolves around the host planet called Krokum. Witness Officer Danvers’ audacity to stand tall against the deadliest creatures and explore the UNKNOWNS OF KROKUM! Explore his journey with his allies to save mankind!