The book is an abridged story of life that we see now and the life forms that existed in the past. Readers can flip through pages of the planet's history and explore the secrets hidden in the fossils scattered across forgotten landscapes. Th...
The book is an abridged story of life that we see now and the life forms that existed in the past. Readers can flip through pages of the planet's history and explore the secrets hidden in the fossils scattered across forgotten landscapes. The species we see today are only a tiny fraction of all those that have ever lived on Earth. Most of the species have vanished throughout the Earth's history. The author intersected at five major extinction episodes and narrated selected stories of the lost world while highlighting life's journey on our plants —from tiny microorganisms to massive dinosaurs, mammoths and mastodons, ultimately leading up to humans. Unfortunately, we're now facing a critical moment when Earth’s biodiversity is at risk of being wiped out entirely, and our planet may stop breathing one day. This prompts readers to reflect on what we have done to bring life's diversity to such a vulnerable state. The author concludes the book with future perspectives on how we all can stop the next mass extinction.