"Violence Against Girl Child in India" explores the widespread issue of gender-based violence affecting young girls across Indian society. The book covers various forms of abuse, including physical violence, sexual exploitation, neglect, and emoti...
"Violence Against Girl Child in India" explores the widespread issue of gender-based violence affecting young girls across Indian society. The book covers various forms of abuse, including physical violence, sexual exploitation, neglect, and emotional harm, occurring in homes, schools, and communities. It highlights the role of deeply rooted patriarchal norms, cultural practices, and socio-economic factors in perpetuating these injustices. Using case studies, statistical data, and expert analysis, the book reveals the psychological and social impacts on girls' development and well-being. It also reviews the legal protections in place, addressing the gaps that hinder their effective implementation. This work aims to raise awareness, encourage societal change, and advocate for reform and empowerment initiatives to create a safer and more equitable environment for young girls.