VRUDDAPYA AND VRUDDAPYADA KHAYILEGALU is a book, written keeping in mind about thewelfare of aged people. As we grow up, a lot of physiological changes that take place in ourbody. And as we grow old, we suffer from lots of diseases. This book expl...
VRUDDAPYA AND VRUDDAPYADA KHAYILEGALU is a book, written keeping in mind about thewelfare of aged people. As we grow up, a lot of physiological changes that take place in ourbody. And as we grow old, we suffer from lots of diseases. This book explains what the changesare taking place in our body, and what are the common diseases we come across, how toprevent and manage these diseases.This book is a guide to all the aged people to safeguard their wellbeing. I feel everyone to havea copy of this book to maintain their normal health.Dr. D.L.Ramachandra