
Wetland Flora of West Bengal

by Dr. Monoranjan Chowdhury & Dr. Anurag Chowdhury | 11-Oct-2022

This book is a lucid presentation of several vascular (pteridophytes and angiosperms) floristic elements that grow in different fresh and saltwater wetlands of West Bengal, India. The book includes general information about the Ramsar sites and ma...
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Book Details

  • Language : English
  • Pages : 354
  • ISBN : 9789356286269
  • Genre: NON-FICTION
  • Size : 7.25 x 9.5
  • Binding Type : PAPERBACK
  • Age Group: + Years
  • Paper Type : WHITE PAPER
  • Interior : COLOR
  • Cover : GLOSS FINISH
  • Book Type : PAPERBACK
  • Tags : Wetland Flora of West Bengal,Research,Academic
  • Best Sellers Rank :
    #331 in Non - Fiction
    #1148 in Global


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