
Wits & Emotions

by Aditi Pandey | 22-Dec-2022

(489 available )




Book Details

  • Language : English
  • Pages : 44
  • ISBN : 9789393388001
  • Genre: NON-FICTION
  • Size : 5" x 8"
  • Binding Type : PAPERBACK
  • Age Group: + Years
  • Paper Type : WHITE PAPER
  • Interior : BLACK & WHITE
  • Cover : GLOSS FINISH
  • Book Type : PAPERBACK
  • Tags : Wits & Emotions,Non - Fiction
  • Best Sellers Rank :
    #453 in Non - Fiction
    #1636 in Global


  • Arpit Bhatnagar


    It was an awesome experience to read the recently launched novel named ?? "WITS AND EMOTIONS" written directly from the Heart by my Respected Teacher ?? ADITI MADAM ??????????It's a beautiful novel in which my madam has wonderfully described the Life of Teachers and some of their unknown/ unheard sides ??‍? ??‍? ??‍? This marvelous novel will make the readers "Like" and "Respect" their Teachers even more than before, will help them understand their Teachers better and will further strengthen their lovely bond with their Teachers ?????‍? ? This novel is written in a very lucid language comprising "Very Rich Vocabulary" and amazing usage of "Figures of Speech" ?????? It is adorned with some awe-inspiring sketches and has so much Realistic touch that every Teacher will relate herself/ himself to it ?????? Consisting of only 26 pages, this thin novel/ novelet won't take much time to be read & can be one's Best Partner to beat the Boredom & Monotony in Life ?????? I highly recommend everyone to Buy it, Read it & get enchanted by its Magic. It's worth reading again & again ??????