You were my first kiss" is a beautiful love story about two people who meet by chance and feel a deep connection. The story follows the journey of Tara, a psych enthusiast, and Rishabh, a busy CA who is eight years her senior. Despite their differ...
You were my first kiss" is a beautiful love story about two people who meet by chance and feel a deep connection. The story follows the journey of Tara, a psych enthusiast, and Rishabh, a busy CA who is eight years her senior. Despite their differences, they are drawn to each other and form an unbreakable bond. As they spend more time together, Tara starts to develop feelings for Rishabh. But will their differences prevent them from having a future together?In this heartwarming tale of love and connection, "You were my first kiss" explores themes of the power of love, the importance of communication, and staying positive when facing failure. With a cast of relatable characters and a story that will keep you turning the pages, this is a book that will stay with you long after you've finished reading.”