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I pour my emotions into Some uncertain words which together build up a meaning and sometimes reading it brings you a satisfactory peace. We call them the poetries. . . . You may get a lot of emotions ahead.

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The story begins with the murder of Maria. Who kills her and who is behind this dilemma forms the rest of the story. P:S- the entire story is based on Paul's(detective's friend) perspective unless mentioned under quotes

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Poetry is the sudden overflow of emotions.-William Wordsworth But poetry is also the expression of hardships and sufferings of life in a more complex and elegant way!

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My relationship issues was the main problem in my life. And finally I found a way out. Then I was dead.

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Bhimroa Ramji Ambedker (born on april 14th,1891,Mhow,India -died on december 6,1956,Nwe Dheli )leader of the dalits (shedudls castes ;formerly called Untouchbles)And law minsters of the goverment of India (1947-51). Born of dalit mahar famly of west.

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Sometimes we get stuck in attitude that we should leave behind. If we are dissatisfied with our lives, it may be that we are holding on to something that is no longer satisfying, then live a life which will bring satisfaction to your life to the ful

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Never The Same

5 Coins

Ashley's dad, Thomas Althea, and his family is in danger. Thanks to her uncle Liam who is a spy she can find her family and defeat those guys. After her family goes missing, nothing is the same in her life. She can only choose to be a spy & save them

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Love and ego

5 Coins

There was a man who loved his wife alot but he was not that educated and handsome on the other hand his wife was pretty intelligent.She had a ego of being married to a better man. She can’t even see his love and care.

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Thats ok

5 Coins

This poem is written by sangeetha s and I wish all her words could reach people with best wishes...

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यह लेख उन लोगों के लिए लिखा गया है जो लोग ईमानदारी को छोड़कर और भाईचारे को छोड़कर धार्मिक गतिविधियों में पड़ जाते हैं और ईमानदारी को भूलकर वह लोग हिंसात्मक गतिविधियों को बढ़ावा देना शुरू कर देते हैं

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