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A sentence from my dairy
There I'm trying to jot down the depth of pain,love and other emotions in ones life.Particularly, here I'll be describing my own.
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The Hospital
The book revolves around the sinister medical care in the suburban state of New Jersey
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Untangled Chords
Words hold the power to make peace or ignite a revolution. When put together to beautify one's innate emotions, they create poetry. Here I present my best poetry collection, in both, English and Hindi. Explore the nature, take a dive and come out with a refreshed zeal.
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A secret life of makeup artist
A secret life of makeup artist,, I'm a girl from middle class Indian family . a makeup artist, but one day i lost my father when I'm 3 years old , life becomes taught for me and my mom ,she stitches dress of rich ladies and earn some money ,and pay my study fees ,i stay with my matternal grandmother and uncle aunt they all loves me alot, but my mother's bro was in uk but one day he deport from there and come back in India ,then life changes alot everyone ask to mom's bro to marry now. But he says how can i marry when they are there ,how can i live my personal married life with them,that was the difficult time for us .one day our streets richest uncle come to our home and ask to nani maa about my mom's marriage , we're shocked because in our families this was very difficult ,but god knows the next chapter ,so slowly slowly my mom understand and agree .she said if they agree to adopt my daughter too then i will go .that guy also agree to adopt me . life's third chapter was start We're in new house with my step dad he's rich enough to make me and my mom happy .but life is not easy dad too has his x daughter ,, that girl was very intelligent ,she always tells lie to dad and dad get anger on mom and me that you both are torcher my daughter ,but when i passed my 12th standard i started menifast to happy family and also get result, then i take admission in beauty school and achieve many things , everyone says why u choose this cheap work leave more tomorrow
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Mysterious Faces
On 23 August 1971 , a very strange thing began to happen in a small Spanish town named Belmez da la Moraleda . Inside the home of Maria Gomez Pereira, a stain was first noticed on the floor of the kitchen . Several weeks later, that stain, despite several attempts by her to remove it by all means , transformed into the image of a human face. In the house lived Maria her husband Juan Pereira and their son Miguel. They were afraid of it . They destroyed it with a pick axe and lay new cement in its place. Unfortunately it made the matter worse and the faces quickly grew into other faces . Gradually it evolved into images of entire bodies. The most horrible things was that all the faces had a grave expression and some appeared with hollow eyes with no eyeballs at all. It seemed that someone had plucked their eyes. Investigation revealed it that the home had been built on the land that was once the site of multiple graveyards . When the mayor of Belmez was informed of this he forbade the destruction of the new faces the news of this strange incident spread like a wild fire. Maria Gomez's house became famous attracting curiosity seekers and paranormal investigators. Soon strange happening were noticed at the house the city council decided to dig the spot . Upon doing so bones are found and they are of 13 cent. Many investigation happen but nothing happen and the image continue appearing. Rushda sarwar
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शिवराज के पास चार बेटे थे।जिनमें से तीन की नौकरी लग गयी और एक बेटा नल्ला था।शिवराज कपड़ों की कंपनी में काम करता था और तीन बेटे हलवाई थे।शिवराज के बेटे का नाम- सुमित,गोपाल और सुरेश था। एक दिन शिवराज के पड़ोसी रोहन उसके पास आया और कहा -आपके तीन बेटों की नौकरी तो लग गयी और तुम्हारा चौथा बेटा नल्ला है उसकी नौकरी कब मिलेगी।शिवराज ने कहा -वह तो हमारी बात मानता ही नहीं हैं मेने खूब कोशिश की है समझाने की समझता नहीं है।रोहन ने कहा -मेरे पास एक उपाय है ।शिवराज ने कह-क्या उपाय है बता सकते हें।तभी शिवराज की पत्नी माया दोनो के लिए चाय लेकर आती है।रोहन ने कहा -यदि वो पुलिस की नौकरी कर ले तो काम बन सकता है।माया ने कहा -क्या वो पुलिस बन सकता है।रोहन ने कहा - क्यो नहीं, यदि वो बनाना चाहे तो जरूर बन सकता है।शिवराज ने कहा -मैं आज ही सुरेश से पूछूंगा ।तभी रोहन अपने घर को चला जाता है। शिवराज ने माया से कहा -आपका लाडला क्या पुलिस बनेगा।माया ने कह-लगता तो नहीं है। शिवराज ने कहा -मैं उससे जबरदस्ती वर्दी पहनवाउंगा और पुलिस का कार्य करवाउंगा।माया ने कहा-आप जबरदस्ती क्यों कर रहे हो।शिवराज ने कहा -काम धंधा तो कुछ करता नहीं है।यदि वो चोर और डाकू को पकड़ेगा तभी उसका काम में मन लगेगा।माया ने कह-क्या पुलिस का ही कार्य रह गया है।शिवराज ने कहा -यदि वो पुलिस की वर्दी पहनेगा तो उसका सम्मान बढ़ेगा और उसकी इज्जत बढ़ेगी।
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Greatest amongst the angels; He sent my mother. No fairies can ever outstand Nor the heroes of the myths Too good for Helen. Happiness is her right May she live for hundreds of years She is beyond the rest. May she have a peaceful mind Greatest amongst the angels.
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