Thoughts are like bookish enhance it a bit further , we should be more practical in our life as Wings can't make u fly until you have.............
- Total Chapters: 1 Chapters.
- Format: Stories
- Language: English
- Category: Children's & Young Adult
- Tags: Thoughts, Problem dealing, How thoughts effect our daily life, Reason to think and apply, Life Changer, Clarity about life and it's application, Success hacks, tips to overcome sadness, Life, Reality and Virtuality,
- Published Date: 21-Mar-2023
Feathers are not wings
User Rating
Fiza alam
It's a awesome poem, this concept is so beautiful. I want more story and poem from this writer ❤❤
Hope everyone gets the same vibe between the words
Farida Hoque
May you reach the heights of success and may your work be loved by everyone? God bless you ?