The Yellow Diary" is a short story by Vishesh Panthi, first published in September 2024, This story is a fictional story about gratitude, written in the diary of a man named George Emerson, in which a child teaches Mr. Emerson the lesson of gratitude
- Total Chapters: 1 Chapters.
- Format: Stories
- Language: English
- Category: Literature & Fiction
- Tags: Vishesh Panthi , Vishesh Panthi Short Story , The Yellow Diary by Vishesh Panthi,
- Published Date: 02-Mar-2025
The Yellow Diary
Vishesh Panthi is a renowned Indian author, known for his thought-provoking quotes and deep insights into human nature. His words carry a unique blend of wisdom, philosophy and simplicity, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of India. his Short stories and quotes provide a fresh perspective on life, inspiring us to live with more understanding and compassion
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