The Red Creatures One day, in Newark, USA, the sky filled red-pink. Citizens were scared. Suddenly, a large round dish came crashing on the ground. Six nearly 2.5meters tall red creatures came out of the dish. People ran here and there thinking that the creatures would finish them all. Instead, the creatures started to rebuild the houses with super technology. Not a single house was spared; all were rebuilt. After that work, the creatures went towards the dish. In a fraction of a second, they and the dish vanished in thin air. The hole created by the crash got cleared in a few seconds. The sky turned blue again.The people wondered who the creatures were. Next day, in a conference, the people made up their minds, that they were aliens from Mars, due to their reddish colour; and as Mars is red in colour.
- Total Chapters: 1 Chapters.
- Format: Stories
- Language: English
- Category: Children's & Young Adult
- Tags:
- Published Date: 12-Jan-2022