Easy or hard these are full of puzzles Some facile and some with abundant terrors Some tickle me and some weep And to solve some i have to be a dweeb One i win ten i lose Some of these make me cry But can't give up so easily i have to try. Many lost but several things i have earned Each time a useful thing i have learned Each challenge contains something new to Solve Days nd nights of myself i involved I have experienced much but learned a single thing That the success I am after is a wing The wing that all around the world will make me fly But To achieve that, I'll have to try and try.
- Total Chapters: 1 Chapters.
- Format: Stories
- Language: English
- Category: Children's & Young Adult
- Tags:
- Published Date: 27-Jan-2022
Sayali wagh
Sayali wagh
Jessica O'Connor
It's so beautiful!