
Talk to Your God

Author Siva Sankara Narayanan

  • 294
  • (0)
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  • Yoga YCB God
  • Published On 24-05-22
  • Language English

Practical way to talk with God for anyone of us and some of Author's life events during certain periods of time - were conveyed in this book for references . When Prayer is performed consciously , it will never be as an illusion due to life events .

  • Total Chapters: 5 Chapters.
  • Format: Stories
  • Language: English
  • Category: Health, Family & Personal Development
  • Tags: Yoga , YCB , God,
  • Published Date: 24-May-2022

1. Facts for Talking to Your God

2. From My Life - During 2017 :

3. From My Life - During 2020 :

4. From My Life - During 2021-22 :

1. Facts for Talking to Your God

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