Stories By Farzana Hussain
- Author Farzana Hussain
This is an interesting science-fiction story which deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advance science and technology, space exploration, time travel etc.
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- Author Farzana Hussain
Thankfulness is one of the many positive emotions. It is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted. We should be thankful for the life given to us by God, and even for our family and friends etc.
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- Author Farzana Hussain
This short poem is about the poetess mother who she remembers fondly with love and affection.
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- Author Farzana Hussain
Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. Happiness is a choice, it is a consequence of personal effort and living a life of purpose.
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- Author Farzana Hussain
Prejudice - It is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. The word "Prejudice", can also refer to unfounded beliefs or any unreasonable attitude that is favorable/unfavorable towards a person or thing.
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- Author Farzana Hussain
Faith is like an inner voice that keeps reminding us about a positive outlook. Faith means putting your trust in God and having confidence that he will fulfill his promises.
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- Author Farzana Hussain
Patience is the ability to accept delay, it is a moral virtue which contributes to happiness and living well without anger.
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A White Rose
- Author Farzana Hussain
A story about life's important aspect which is self-esteem, even if you're simple and different from others, you should learn to accept yourself as you are. Because, "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."
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- Author Farzana Hussain
Honesty is truthfulness with positive and virtuous attributes of a moral character. Absence of lying, cheating, theft etc, is honesty.
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- Author Farzana Hussain
This story teaches us that one should not be overconfident or too arrogant as they're likely to fail. When you put yourself on a pedestal, it makes it difficult for anyone to get close to you.
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- Author Farzana Hussain
The story is about a brave girl called Jenny who decides to investigate when a dragon is terrorising a village.
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Success Stories
- Author Farzana Hussain
Success is predictable. Being successful means to achieve what you desire in your planned goals. The secret of success is about achieving what you aim for.
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A Mystery Story
- Author Farzana Hussain
This is a mystery story which had happened some years ago. It is a true incident which I have experienced and still gives me jitters when I think about it.
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