Anoushka Singh

How should you design your book interior?

How should you design your book interior?

As an aspiring author or self-publisher, you’ve put in countless hours honing each sentence and polishing your tale to perfection. The inner design of your book, on the other hand, is often disregarded yet equally important. The internal presentation of your book may have a big influence on the reader’s experience and opinion of your…

How to make your book cover stand out & attract readers.

How to make your book cover stand out & attract readers.

Imagine your book sitting on a shelf among countless others, waiting for a reader to give it a chance. How do you ensure that it stands out in the crowd? The answer lies in the magical allure of your book cover – the face that will enchant and intrigue potential readers from the very first…

How to finalize your book title in just 2 easy steps!

How to finalize your book title in just 2 easy steps!

In the vast and diverse realm of literature, a book’s title serves as more than just a label; it holds immense power as the gateway to the story within its pages. Like a key, the title unlocks the reader’s curiosity and sets the tone for the journey that awaits them. Crafting the ideal book title…

How should you market your first book? (Complete-guide)

How should you market your first book? (Complete-guide)

An author writes their book hoping that it will reach the widest audience and their work will be appreciated but if the sales don’t achieve their goal then the confidence of the writer plummets. Book promotion is a tricky deal, it requires an apt amount of skills and strategies to hit its predicted mark. How…