Self Publishing Guide

Book Review – A Working Housewife a Book by Shalbha Singh

Book Review – A Working Housewife a Book by Shalbha Singh

Book – A Working Housewife Author – Shalbha Singh Blurb – In this book, the author has penned the life of her mother, who in today’s world may be considered an ordinary housewife but, in reality, played a very crucial role in bringing life to many other lives. The author has tried to depict the struggle of…

Instagram Book Marketing: 7 Steps on How to Promote Your Book on Instagram

Instagram Book Marketing: 7 Steps on How to Promote Your Book on Instagram

Instagram has evolved as a significant channel for book promotion in the digital era, where readers and writers communicate on the virtual pages of social media. Instagram, often known as “Bookstagram,” provides writers with a unique opportunity to display their literary masterpieces because of its visually driven structure and devoted community of book enthusiasts.  Read: Easy Ways on How…

Easy Ways on How to Promote your book on Goodreads.

Easy Ways on How to Promote your book on Goodreads.

Are you a self-published author looking to boost the visibility of your book on Goodreads, the world’s largest social media platform for readers? Goodreads offers a plethora of opportunities for authors to connect with their target audience, gather reviews, and create a strong online presence.  Read: Who are Alpha and Beta Readers: What Are They and Why Bother? In…

A Complete Guide on How to Self-Publish a Coloring Book.

A Complete Guide on How to Self-Publish a Coloring Book.

Self-publishing a coloring book may be a rewarding and financially successful endeavour if you have a strong passion for art and want to share your creative abilities. Coloring books have been more popular among people of all ages, establishing themselves as a viable market segment. We will walk you through the process of self-publishing your…

What is Book Indexing? Best Ways to Create Book Index.

What is Book Indexing? Best Ways to Create Book Index.

When you pick up a book, whether it’s a dense academic tome or a page-turning fiction, you may not give much thought to the index. However, book indexing is critical in assisting readers in finding particular information inside the pages of a book.  Read: List of 5 Best Suitable Fonts to Beautify Your Book.  This blog…

What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Print on Demand (POD)

What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Print on Demand (POD)

In today’s digital age, the landscape of printing and publishing has undergone a significant transformation. One of the notable innovations in this realm is print-on-demand (POD). This technology has revolutionized the way books, merchandise, and other printed materials are produced and distributed.  Read: A Complete Guide on How to Self Publish a Book in the UK? In…

Learn How to Choose the Best Fonts for your book

Learn How to Choose the Best Fonts for your book

Are you in the midst of writing and creating your book? Congratulations! However, one critical component of the creative process should not be overlooked: selecting the correct typefaces. The typefaces you choose for your book will have a big influence on its readability, attractiveness, and overall appeal. Read: What is Indie Publishing? Learn How to Publish…

How to Write & Publish a Memoir in 2024?

How to Write & Publish a Memoir in 2024?

Getting Started: Crafting Your Memoir Memoirs are strong literary works that allow people to share their own experiences, memories, and reflections with the rest of the world. Writing and publishing a memoir may be a rewarding venture, whether you’re an aspiring writer looking to capture your life’s journey or someone looking to leave a lasting…

How Much Should You Price Your Book? Tips for Pricing Your Book

How Much Should You Price Your Book? Tips for Pricing Your Book

Are you a new or seasoned author with a work ready for publication? Congratulations on reaching this great stage in your writing career! While finishing your book is a huge accomplishment, selecting the correct price for your creation can be difficult. Read: Get to know how much does it cost to publish a book in India….

Guide on How to Sell Your Self-Published Book to Bookstores

Guide on How to Sell Your Self-Published Book to Bookstores

As an aspiring author, you’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting your self-published book. You’ve navigated the intricacies of the writing process, meticulously edited your work, and embraced the journey of self-publishing. Now comes the exciting yet challenging phase: getting your book onto the shelves of independent bookstores. Read: How to Promote Your Book on…