How to self-publish a book using BlueRoseONE DIY Platform.
A writer’s biggest dream is to publish their book and put it out in the world for people to read. They pour their emotions and imagination to make it a beautiful project but then they get stuck on how to reach the world. In the early days, it was difficult to get something published – it was costly, time taking, and never profitable as well. Today, we present you with a place where you are welcome to publish your first ever book the way you want and however you want. Read: Benefits of self-publishing a book in India.. BlueRoseONE – Stories Matter! BlueRoseONE is a self-publishing platform which allows you to become the author of your dreams. While we give our authors the expert packages we also give them an option of DIY i.e. Do It Yourself.It just takes four steps – Get Registered Choose Format Write or Upload Submit & Publish What are the DIY packages? BlueRoseONE offers you two options – DIY PACKAGES and EXPERT SOLUTION. Under DIY packages, you get to publish your book in the range of FREE to ₹8,990. The packages include: BASIC DIYBasic DIY allows you to publish your book in the format of eBook or paperback. It is usually recommended for the authors who want to publish small poetry books, novellas, thesis, etc. They can also sell their books through our BlueRoseONE store after they have published their book. POPULAR DIYPopular DIY also allows you to publish your book in the format of eBook or paperback. Authors who want to publish Novels, Inspirational or Non-Fictional books are recommended to go along with this package. It also lets your book sell through Amazon and Flipkart nationwide for a wider range. GLOBAL DIYGlobal DIY allows you to publish your book in the format of eBook or paperback. It is recommended for Novels, Inspirational, Educational, and Non-Fictional books. With this package, you can sell nationwide and worldwide through hundreds of stores to reach a wider audience. How can you reach out to us for publication? There are two ways – either you can submit your queries on the website within 24-48 hours, our team will contact you.Or you can visit the website www.blueroseone.com and study the packages to understand which ones you can opt for. Four-Step SELF PUBLISHING: Get Registered After you have been well versed in the world of DIY, click on start publishing. A Login/Register with us page will appear. If you already have an account, enter the credentials and start the process. If not, then you can register with your Phone number, E-mail ID, and password. Once you’ve registered, log in with your credentials, and Voilà! You’re good to go! 2. Choose Format Now starts the main process. As you’ll be welcomed by the home page, you’ll find a yellow button saying ‘PUBLISH WITH US’. Click on it and it will take you to the ‘My account’ page. On the left side of the page, you’ll see your details like your name, username, email ID, etc. On the right side, you’ll see some recently published or best-selling books. In the center, there will be two options open for you – Start Writing and Start Reading. Click on Start Writing. Once you do that, you’ll find a tutorial on the chat icon which can help you to understand how to publish your book on the DIY platform. You’ll be provided with two options – Publish a complete Book or Create online stories. Publishing is the option you’ll choose if you want your book in paperback, hardbound, or eBook format. If you’ll choose to Create online Stories, it will help you to write online like Wattpad, Web Novel, etc, does. You’ll be soon shown two options – Paperback or eBook. Read: How to coyright a book? Paperback – You’ll have to choose the Type of Write-up i.e. Genre, Binding type i.e. Paperback or Hardbound, Write-up Size i.e. the size of your book, Write-up Interior i.e. the color of the page, Paper Type i.e. texture and shade of the page, Language, and finally Write-Cover i.e. Gloss/Matte Finish. eBook – You’ll have to choose the Type of Book and Language. Read: How to self-publish a book for free? Once you’ve finished choosing these details, you will have to fill up all the information about your book i.e. Title, Description, Subtitle (If any), Author Name, Contributors (If any), Keywords, Author Biography, Category, and Audience. 3. Write or Upload Once you have filled in all this information, you have the option to either write on the website and format it with our templates or you can upload a print-ready PDF. Then you have to create a cover design. BlueRoseONE provides you with free templates which can help you design your own cover. 4. Submit & Publish Now that you’ve uploaded your files, you will have to select the distribution packages and the price of your book which will be calculated on the basis of how many pages, quality of paper, and what type of binding you have. It will also tell you how much royalty you will be receiving. After you’ve selected everything, it will be sent to the team for reviewing and brushing up on some details. And then it will finally be published. What to do after it is published? Promote. You can promote your books with teasers or by showing people the cover of your book on social media platforms. You can also contact our social media team to help you with the promotions of your book. Our team is always happy to help. We hope that this helped you to understand the working of DIY a bit better. We believe that stories are meant to be heard, so, if you won’t write them how will those stories be known? Don’t let your talent go to waste just because you’re afraid; write and spread the word. We’ll be waiting to see your stories on our portal soon. Au revoir! You may also like: Ultimate Guide to Copy Editing: Tips, Techniques, and Tools

How to self-publish a book for free?
Self-Publishing a Book: Things you need to know If you’ve been thinking about self-publishing a book, but aren’t sure where to begin, you’ve come to the right place. Though self-publishing has been around for a while, it is still very confusing for first-time authors. To make you understand all the aspects of self-publishing, we’ll begin with, its meaning. Easy steps to become a writer and publish your bestseller: A complete guide for Self-Publishing Benefits of Self-Publishing How to write your book How to edit your manuscript Create your book cover and format your interior How can you make an effective strategy for marketing your book Create an engaging launch plan What’s Self-Publishing? Self-Publishing is the act of publishing a book without the involvement of a traditional publisher. Here the author writes and handles the book on his own all the way from the cover art, the price, distribution channels, etc. With a growing number of self-published success stories emerging each year, interest in self-publishing is higher than ever. Do you know self-publishing has many benefits over traditional publishing? You may also read: The 14 Most Popular Types of Fiction to Write Let’s discuss the Benefits of Self-Publishing: 1. No middlemen – It eliminates the role of a literary agent as you are your own publisher. So, you can handle all your publishing & editing by yourself. 2. Full Control – Having full control over your book not only gives it a longer period of time to find its audience, but it also helps your book to market faster than it would via traditional methods. 3. High Earning- When you write, you don’t just write for the sake of writing; you also expect to be compensated for your efforts. Reserving all rights to the content and retaining full control over its marketing and advertisement allows you to earn higher margins/profits. With the advancement in technology, self-published books also look like traditionally published books on a bookshelf. Self-Published books are nowhere less than traditionally published books. Read: How to publish a coffee table book in india? Here’s a comprehensive list of steps to self-publishing a book for free: Step-1: Write the book The first, and most obvious, step is to write a book. If you have already finished the one, congratulate yourself as you have moved one step forward to your dream of becoming a writer. Now is the time to share it with the rest of the world! Step-2: Edit the script Editing is a broad term that encompasses a variety of editing techniques, each of which serves a distinct purpose. Before submitting your work to a professional, self-edit as much as possible. Ways to edit your book- – If you are a first-time writer, self-editing will undoubtedly help you in becoming a better writer. A writer should go through at least two rounds of self-editing on their entire book. – Beta readers are either hired professionals or close friends or family members, who volunteer to do a read-through of your book and give feedback. – A professional editor can assist you in editing your work on various levels depending on their area of expertise. Your book might need copy editing, developmental editing, or both. Your manuscript has now been edited, polished, and proofread. It is now time to ensure that your book looks as good as it reads. You may also like: 7 Top Rated Self-Help Books of all time in 2024 Step-3: Design the book The first word that comes to mind whenever we think of a book is its cover design. Your book cover design is the first impression readers have of your book. Classic covers are not just visually appealing, but also encompass the author’s vision for the book. Being unique is important, but also paying attention to what similar covers look like in your genre is crucial. You can look for books similar to your genre at your local book store. This will provide you with a taste of the font size, colors, and trim size of the books. Since sales heavily rely on a book cover, therefore it needs to be really professional. Once the exteriors have been completed, the next thing is to design the interiors. Interiors are equally important in capturing the reader’s attention. Professional formatting and sketches increases the reader’s satisfaction and enhances the customer experience. Step-4: Publishing Publishing a book was extremely difficult prior to the introduction of self-publishing platforms. Self-Publishing platform is a boom in the publishing industry. With its introduction, things have become way easier than before. There are many self-publishing companies to choose from – but BlueRoseONE excels in all of them. BlueRose Publishers has introduced a free book publishing platform – BlueRoseONE. A Platform that assists you from writing your first draft to getting it published globally. You can now write, edit, design a book and publish it for free. All your publishing needs are catered on one platform. With BlueRoseONE authors can publish a book for FREE and make it stand out in bookstores, libraries, and online. It’s extremely helpful for first-time authors Once the publication phase is over, there sets in the most difficult and painful part of the process: The most difficult and painful part of the process: Distribution– BlueRoseOne will assist you in reaching your end-user, regardless of their location. They’ll help your readers find you in more places, from publishing to the bookstore, through their global distribution network. As a result, you will be able to enter the global market which craves Indian content. Publish locally and sell globally! However, if you want to explore your options, carry on reading… Read: How do I copyright my book? Step-5: Marketing While you were busy writing, editing & designing a book, did you skip to plan your marketing strategy? Apart from writing a great book, it’s highly advisable to start thinking about its marketing during the writing process only. As it takes a long time to build an author platform. Tried & Tested Marketing Strategies for Your Book – Social Media: Social Media has become a…