Mansi Chauhan

Protect your book now with copyright in the UK

Protect your book now with copyright in the UK

In the UK, obtaining a copyright is an essential first step in safeguarding your artistic creations. You have the sole right to use, copy, and distribute your work as long as it is protected by copyright. It is imperative for all creators, be they writers, musicians, artists, or in any other industry, to know how to obtain…

Who is Author Matthew Perry? Background, Friends, Movies & Facts

Who is Author Matthew Perry? Background, Friends, Movies & Facts

On August 19, 1969, Matthew Perry was born in Williamstown, Massachusetts, in the United States. His father, John Bennett Perry, was an American actor, and his mother, Suzanne Morrison, was a Canadian journalist. He was raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Perry was raised by his mother when his parents separated when he was a small…

Best Book Genres to Read in the UK

Best Book Genres to Read in the UK

With a rich literary legacy, the United Kingdom has given birth to some of the most well-known writers and timeless classics in the world. The UK offers a literary environment that appeals to a wide range of preferences, whether you’re a visitor or a resident of this diverse country.  Read: Learn how to Write a Book…

List of top 10 most Famous Self-Published Books in UK – 2024

List of top 10 most Famous Self-Published Books in UK – 2024

Looking for best self-published books?  Here’s a list of best self-published books of all time. Self-publishing has become a popular option for writers who want to share their stories with the world, as the publishing industry has seen a change in recent years. Self-published books are becoming more popular in the UK, a nation rich in literary…

Guide to Successful Book Publishing in India 2024

Guide to Successful Book Publishing in India 2024

Publishing a book is a dream for many aspiring writers and authors. In India, a country rich in literary heritage and diverse storytelling traditions, the publishing industry continues to thrive. However, navigating the process of publishing a book can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the associated costs. In this blog, we will delve into the various expenses…

How to Market and Promote your book in 2024?

How to Market and Promote your book in 2024?

The landscape of book marketing has undergone significant transformations in recent years, propelled by the ever-evolving digital era and changing reader preferences. As we step into 2024, authors find themselves amidst a dynamic environment that demands innovative strategies to ensure their literary creations don’t merely grace the shelves but captivate the hearts and minds of…

How Much Does It Cost to Publish a Book in UK

How Much Does It Cost to Publish a Book in UK

Starting a book publishing journey is an exciting undertaking, but it has costs associated with it. Prospective writers frequently have to navigate a complex web of expenses, ranging from cover design and marketing to revising their manuscripts.  Read: A Complete 2024 Guide: How to Write a Book & Get it Published Globally We will explore all aspects of publishing costs…

How to decide your ideal publishing platform in 2024?

How to decide your ideal publishing platform in 2024?

The decision to publish a book is an exciting adventure, and with the development of self-publishing, authors today have more control and freedom over their work than ever before. However, with so many book publishing platforms available, it might be difficult to pick the one that best suits your needs and interests.  In this blog, we will look at the…

How to plan a successful book launch in 2024

How to plan a successful book launch in 2024

Authors set out on the complex route of the book launch with a great deal of enthusiasm and commitment. The whole process requires patience and persistence. Several meticulously planned tasks must be completed for the process to be a green flag, from writing an engaging manuscript to handling the challenges of distribution and promotion. The…

How to Edit a Book like a Pro – 2024 Guide

How to Edit a Book like a Pro – 2024 Guide

Starting the process of converting your manuscript into a published book requires more than simply writing; it also necessitates thorough editing. Whether you want to self-publish or collaborate with major publishing organisations, the editing process is the first step towards transforming a raw manuscript into a literary masterpiece. Every successful book goes through multiple revisions…