List of 8 Best Libraries in Jaipur for Bookworms

Looking for Best libraries in Jaipur? Jaipur is one of the richest states in terms of history and culture. From famous and courageous Kings and Queen to mouth-watering delicacies – Jaipur, the pink city, has it all. If you’re a bookworm, one of the best ways to unwind is to curl up with a good book and completely immerse yourself in its pages. 

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So, what do you do when you want to read a good book but also want to go out? So you go to your local library and browse the shelves, smelling the old books before selecting some new titles, of course!

Pick up a book at one of Jaipur’s best libraries to delve deep into history, escape into a fantasy world, or broaden your horizons and learn about something completely new!

Here’s a list of Best Libraries in Jaipur for Bookworms that you must visit:

  1. Government Maharaja Public Library
  2. Shubham Reader’s Paradise
  3. Crossword 
  4. Radha Krishnan Central Library
  5. Prakrit Bharti Academy
  6. B.A.G.S
  7. Central Library
  8. Om Shanti Osho Library

Address: Rajkiya Maharaja, Sarwajanik Mandal, Chaura Rasta

For students and teachers looking to conduct research, as well as avid readers looking for their next exciting read, there is no need to Google ‘libraries near me,’ as the Government Maharaja Public Library has everything you need! This historic building is as interesting on the outside as it is on the inside, making it a fun experience in and of itself. The layout is unlike any other library you’ve seen, more akin to a haveli, with an open courtyard surrounded by reading rooms.

Aside from academic and fiction books, there is also a section devoted to periodicals, and everything is organised using the card catalogue method, which is a delightful trip back in time. They have an excellent collection as well as flexible lending facilities, so you’ll always leave feeling extremely satisfied.

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Government Maharaja Public Library, Best Libraries in Jaipur

Address: C-24, Ajmer Road, Gopalbari For students and teachers looking to conduct research, as well as avid readers looking for their next exciting read, there is no need to Google ‘libraries near me,’ as the Government Maharaja Public Library has everything you need! This historic building is as interesting on the outside as it is on the inside, making it a fun experience in and of itself. The layout is unlike any other library you’ve seen, more akin to a haveli, with an open courtyard surrounded by reading rooms. Aside from academic and fiction books, there is also a section devoted to periodicals, and everything is organised using the card catalogue method, which is a delightful trip back in time. They have an excellent collection as well as flexible lending facilities, so you’ll always leave feeling extremely satisfied.
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Shubham Reader's Paradise Library, Best Libraries in Jaipur

Address: Prithviraj Marg

Crossword is possibly Jaipur’s best bookstore and library. Even if a new release isn’t available on Amazon or Flipkart, you’re likely to find it here. Furthermore, it frequently hosts high-profile book launches. So, if you’re in the right place at the right time (Crosswords), you can get signed copies from your favourite author. Better yet, have your picture taken with them. Anything that will help your bookstagram feed.

Crossword Library, Best Libraries in Jaipur

Address: Opposite Rajasthan College, JLN Marg

The Radha Krishnan Central Library, also known as the Dr. Radha Krishnan State Central Library, houses an 87,000-book collection as well as nearly 300 journals and magazines. It also offers researchers the use of a cabin system. The Radha Krishnan Central Library easily attracts people of all ages, from a 10-year-old child to an 85-year-old person, due to its vast collection of materials and other amenities. Every day, approximately 300 readers visit the library.

Radha Krishan Central Library, Best Libraries in Jaipur

Address: Guru Nanak Path, Malviya Nagar

Prakrit Bharati Academy is a Jaipur public library. On February 21, 1977, this library was founded with the goal of publishing books available in Prakrit, Sanskrit, Hindi, and other Indian languages in simplified English. They believed that publishing those books in simplified English would appeal to both laypeople and scholars. Several universities have recognised this Jaipur library as an outstanding library, study centre, and publishing house. Every day, the library accommodates nearly 300 readers. It has a collection of over 80,000 books of great cultural significance, which is constantly updated.

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Prakrit Bharti Academy, Best Libraries in Jaipur

Address: 24-A Hawa Sadak, Swej Farm Link Road B.A.G.S. stands for Books, Activity, and Games Store, and it has made a name for itself in Jaipur with its original and intriguing concept. Families can look around, borrow books, and indulge their children by allowing them to try out a variety of creative hobbies at B.A.G.S. In fact, BAGS’ Hobby Ideas Section contains over 2500 DIY hobby kits and materials for children to choose from. There are also trained instructors on hand to provide ongoing guidance and demonstration for their use, so you can relax knowing they’re in capable hands. They have over 5000 appropriate books and over 500 toys to choose from, and children can take them home and return them later.
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B.A.G.S, Best Libraries in Jaipur

Address: SB-96, Rajasthan University Campus, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Bapu Nagar

The Central Library which is also known as “Learning Resource Centre (LRC)” is one of the best libraries in Jaipur. Readers can use different reading cubicles in each sitting area/hall. The Central Library is conveniently located in the Institute’s Center, where visitors can easily access it. This library has over 1 lakh books, above 3 thousand e-book, and a great collection of journals, theses, magazines, etc. In addition, reading materials are available in departmental libraries. Academic Staff College, Faculty of Fine Arts, Indira Gandhi Centre for Human Ecology Environment and Population Studies, History, Law, Library and Information Science, Philosophy, and Podar Institute of Management all have departmental libraries.

Central Library, Best Libraries in Jaipur

Address: H-1A, Kanti Chand Road, Vinay Path, Kanti Nagar, Sindhi Camp

If you believe in Osho’s philosophies or have recently discovered spirituality, the Om Shanti Osho Library is one of the best libraries in Jaipur to learn more about the subject. It houses a large library of books and other literature on spirituality and Osho’s beliefs, as well as a variety of audio and video CDs on the same topics. Aside from its expertise, what truly distinguishes it from other libraries in Jaipur is the presence of a meditation room. You can settle in with a book of your choice and completely immerse yourself in the relaxing surroundings, which may be the ideal way to enjoy a book of this type!

Om Shanti Osho Library Library, Best Libraries in Jaipur

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Libraries are fighting for people who still prefer hardbounds and paperbacks instead of phones, laptops, and kindles; hoping that these places would be your next stop to read, research, and love in Jaipur, we will keep on bringing you the best of places to read, write, and explore so that your love for stories and books never ends.

Publish your book for free with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more.

Till then Happy Reading!

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