How to Promote a Book

Learn how to promote a book from industry experts. Read latest article & guide about self publishing a book.

Easy Ways on How to Promote your book on Goodreads.

Easy Ways on How to Promote your book on Goodreads.

Are you a self-published author looking to boost the visibility of your book on Goodreads, the world’s largest social media platform for readers? Goodreads offers a plethora of opportunities for authors to connect with their target audience, gather reviews, and create a strong online presence.  Read: Who are Alpha and Beta Readers: What Are They and Why Bother? In…

An Easy Guide on How to Plan a Successful Book Launch in 6 Easy Steps

An Easy Guide on How to Plan a Successful Book Launch in 6 Easy Steps

The publication of a book is an exciting step in an author’s career. It’s time to recognise your efforts, connect with your readers, and launch your masterpiece into the world. A well-thought-out plan is necessary for a successful book launch.  We’ll coach you through six simple steps to design a memorable and effective book launch….

How to Promote Your Book on Amazon: Budget-Friendly Hacks to Boost Sales

How to Promote Your Book on Amazon: Budget-Friendly Hacks to Boost Sales

Amazon is a renowned venue for authors to present their literary masterpieces in the enormous arena of online book sale. However, amid a sea of accessible publications, efficient advertising is critical to making your work stand out and prosper. This blog reveals low-cost tactics for increasing your book’s visibility and sales on Amazon. Understanding the…

A Complete Guide on How to Publish on Google Play Books in 2024

A Complete Guide on How to Publish on Google Play Books in 2024

Google Play Books provides authors with an ideal platform to publish and share their literary masterpieces with a worldwide audience in the fast developing world of digital content. Whether you’re a seasoned author or a newcomer, self-publishing on Google Play Books may be a rewarding experience. This article will lead you through the steps necessary…

How can you promote your book through a video trailer?

How can you promote your book through a video trailer?

Often as an avid reader we think that what if our favorite book had a video trailer or was made into a movie. It makes us think of various scenarios and get excited. But do we really need a video trailer for a book? Need, maybe not.. but does it help in attracting attention, yes!…

Easy hacks to promote your book on Instagram.

Easy hacks to promote your book on Instagram.

Have you written and published a book? But you don’t know how to promote your book on Instagram? We got you! Promotions and Marketing can be a tricky process if you don’t have the proper knowledge. It is usually much more than Like, Comment, and Share – that is just said to the people who see what we promote. Waiting…

How to promote your book on social media?

How to promote your book on social media?

Social media is a powerful tool in today’s world. Every social media platform covers worldly affairs whether be it old or new. This works as a huge advantage for the authors as they can choose any topic for their book but it will be relevant on social media. Not only will social media attract the…

How to share your story with the world?

How to share your story with the world?

After going through the tedious moments of writing a book with well-thought plots with ample ups and downs you’ve finally reached the end of your writing journey. Now the moment you’re done with your writing you’d want the world to see it. Gathering the courage to publish your book is a big step in itself but the big question…

How should you design your book interior?

How should you design your book interior?

As an aspiring author or self-publisher, you’ve put in countless hours honing each sentence and polishing your tale to perfection. The inner design of your book, on the other hand, is often disregarded yet equally important. The internal presentation of your book may have a big influence on the reader’s experience and opinion of your…

How to make your book cover stand out & attract readers.

How to make your book cover stand out & attract readers.

Imagine your book sitting on a shelf among countless others, waiting for a reader to give it a chance. How do you ensure that it stands out in the crowd? The answer lies in the magical allure of your book cover – the face that will enchant and intrigue potential readers from the very first…