How to Write a Book

Learn how to write a book from industry experts. Read latest article & guide about self publishing a book

How to Write a Book and Get it Published in the UK?

How to Write a Book and Get it Published in the UK?

Embarking on the journey of writing a book is like diving into a world of endless possibilities, where imagination knows no bounds. It is a pursuit fueled by passion and a burning desire to share your unique story with the world. And what better way to fulfill your dream than by getting your book published? In the…

A Complete Guide on How to Create, Write & Publish a Novella.

A Complete Guide on How to Create, Write & Publish a Novella.

A novella is a work of fiction that falls in between a short story and a full-length novel in terms of length and complexity. It is characterized by its shorter length, typically ranging from about 20,000 to 50,000 words, although there is no strict word count definition. Novellas offer authors the opportunity to explore a story with more depth…

Best Ideation Techniques for Writers that’ll Blow Your Mind

Best Ideation Techniques for Writers that’ll Blow Your Mind

Looking for Ideation techniques for Writers? Novel and short story ideas pour like water from a fountain for certain people. However, for the rest of us, creative writing is a more deliberate process. That is why Ideation/Brainstorming is important. Ideation refers to the entire creative process of developing and expressing new ideas. Ideation is creative thinking that helps a…

How to write and publish an action fiction book.

How to write and publish an action fiction book.

Looking to publish an action fiction book? The literary genre of action fiction encompasses spy novels, adventure stories, tales of fear and intrigue, and fantasy. Suspense, the tension created when the reader wants to know how the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist will be resolved or what the solution to a thriller’s puzzle is,…

How to Write and Publish a Historical Fiction Book.

How to Write and Publish a Historical Fiction Book.

Looking to publish a Historical Fiction Book? Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the plot is set in the past. For authenticity, historical novels portray as many characteristics of the time period as possible, including social standards, etiquette, customs, and traditions. The setting is what makes a historical novel credible. Historical fiction is…

How To Publish And Write a Self-help Book?

How To Publish And Write a Self-help Book?

Looking for how to write a Self-Help book? Relax, we got you covered… A self-help book is one that is written to advise its readers on how to solve personal problems. The books are named after Samuel Smiles’ 1859 best-seller Self-Help, although they are also recognised and categorised as “self-improvement,” a modernised form of self-help. In the late…

How to write & publish a horror book.

How to write & publish a horror book.

Looking to write and publish a Horror novel? Relax, we got the solution for that. Horror is a type of speculative fiction that is meant to frighten, startle, or disgust the reader. The horror story, according to literary historian J. A. Cuddon, is “a piece of fiction in prose of varying length… that shocks, or…

What are the good ways to write a book?

What are the good ways to write a book?

Want to write a book? But what to write? To be honest, there is no way to start writing. It just happens. Ideas are like dark clouds on a sunny day – they come to you when you need solace. But sometimes, the ideas come in one-liners and a story can’t be done in just a…

How to write a fiction book?

How to write a fiction book?

Thinking to write a fiction book? Novel writing is a lengthy process. From the step of idea generation to getting it published – it takes a lot of energy, dedication, and love. Fiction is a world that 95 per cent of readers live in – it seems easy to write but it is not. Read: Complete guide…

How to start a writing career? – Essential Guide

How to start a writing career? – Essential Guide

Writing is a very coveted career right now. Talented writers always want their work to be read by the world. However, it is difficult to know where to start. In this blog, we will cover all the routes which will lead you to a successful writing career. From Ghostwriting to Content writing, figure out what will…