How can I self-edit my own book?

You have taken your sweet time in writing your book. Each chapter, each paragraph, and each line have been thought out and written, but is it ready for publishing? No.

After writing comes editing.

Editing is one of the most crucial parts of your pre-publishing phase. It is what sets the foundation strong.

Read: How to copyright a book?

There are many elements you can observe while editing and even think about tweaking some lines.

For example, people use words mixed between American and British English, and they move ahead with that manuscript. But that is not how it should be done.

Writers should always keep in mind that the language is the same throughout. Words like, realize – realise, color – colour, valor – valour, learned – learnt, etc. are some examples of what differences we should look at while editing.

There are many words that can help you identify them. Editing also includes the right setting of elements and the correct stimulation of emotions throughout the story so that it will connect better.

There are a few basic steps that you can keep in mind while editing your manuscript:

  1. Revisit your manuscript after writing it completely.
  2. Make notes while reading it. Imagine that you are reading someone else’s work and then read it. Highlight the points you noticed while reviewing with sticky notes, different coloured fonts, and so on.
  3. Once you are done with the reviewing stage, divide your editing process into three parts: creative changes, copyediting, and proofreading/spellchecking. It will make the process easier for you and give good results.
  4. Now, you will start making the changes that you penned down. The first changes will be the ones that would affect your story the most, i.e., rephrasing, paraphrasing any exaggerated parts, rewriting a scene, etc.
  5. Then you will go for the copyediting, i.e., grammatical errors, language accuracy, punctuation, etc.
  6. The spell-check is the finishing touch. Once you’ve made these changes, you’ve got to do a final spell check to ensure that the work is error-free for now.

These steps have to be repeated twice at least to ensure no mistakes in the manuscript.

How many pages should a book have?

A book can have as many pages as you want, but it is usually 50 pages minimum, and the maximum has no limit.

Page numbers also depend on what type of content you are working with and what audience you are catering to. The theme and style of writing decide the number of pages.

Yet, the ideal number of pages is 100-150 pages.

Does publishers edit your book?

Nowadays, the internet has provided us with many apps that can help us in the editing process of our manuscript.

Apps like Grammarly, Quillbot, etc. provide us with many tools which can be useful.

Grammarly has the option to switch between British, American, and Australian English as well, so you can keep one flow throughout the manuscript.

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Different publishing houses have different sets of rules when it comes to editing the manuscript.

Some reframe your entire manuscript, while others just rewrite it.

BlueRoseOne lets you decide which type of editing you want to be done at very affordable rates. The author’s inputs and approval are the first needs catered to by us.

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