Looking for inspiration? Here’s a list of most famous self-published authors in India. Writing and finishing a novel is difficult; but, obtaining a publisher to print the work is even more difficult. Many authors have turned to self-publishing after being unable to find publishers.
While self-publishing used to be a method of solace for individuals who couldn’t dodge rejection notices from traditional publishers, it is now a prominent democratic creative instrument for unestablished authors. It’s intimidating to go the path less travelled.
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However, self-publishing is no longer a new path. Most of the time, evidence of success strengthens one’s will to pursue a road that one fears will work against them, especially with something as risky as publishing.
Here are the 10 Famous Self-Published Authors in India:
Ashish Bagrecha personally struggled with mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and suicide thoughts before penning his debut book about his experiences and remedies to these issues. One of the key self-help best-selling books that is now ranking #1 on Amazon is ‘Dear Stranger, I Know How You Feel,’ authored by popular Instagram poet, Ashish Bagrecha, who got approximately 375k followers on Instagram in one year.
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Anubhav Agrawal was born in the Indian city of Rampur (Uttar Pradesh). With over 5 million followers on social media platforms, he is one of India’s most followed authors. He began writing in 2016. “Why Not Me?” is his debut novel, and it concentrates on placing all a person experiences in a relationship throughout his late teens and early twenties. It will take you on an emotional roller coaster, from crazy in love to sad. “Why Not Me?” was released in 2020 and has remained the #1 National Best Seller since then. More than 75,000 copies of the book have been sold. From an Instagram poet to a published author, he has come a long way.
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If Amish had chosen to ignore the rejections from all twenty major publishers, his best-selling Shiva trilogy would have never been published. Amish’s works, which combine historical fiction and mythology, appeal to a wide range of readers. Amish recruited the support of his literary agent, Anuj Bahri, to self-publish his debut book, The Immortals of Meluha. Amish used marketing strategies to make his book stand out when it was distributed by Depot, a branch of Pantaloons Retail India Ltd. In his instance, it was his aggressive marketing that propelled his work to prominence.
Amish was able to achieve best-seller status quickly after self-publishing his book by relying on freebies and word-of-mouth. His trilogy was then re-published by Westland, and he is now signed with HarperCollins as a hugely successful Indian novelist.
Devika Das’s first book, 7 Vows of Marriage, was a success after she self-published it through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) in 2016. Her poetry collection, Reminiscence, which came out shortly after under BlueRose Publishers, received national recognition and has since been featured in anthologies. She had difficulty in finding a traditional publisher stemmed from the fact that the printing costs appeared to be greater than the earnings from sales. Furthermore, contractual terms such as copyright ownership and content length irritated her. She, too, believed in the purpose of her work and its accessibility to readers, as do the majority of self-published authors.
She had successful book launches in Jaipur and Delhi, using friends from her personal and business circles. People in her own networks helped promote her book, which resulted in more sales and, eventually, profit.
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A former IAS officer, Chairman of Prasar Bharti and now a successful writer – he is the ace of every field he walks in. His experiences and the stories he heard often made him ponder on several topics and issues that made him write a lot. His influence from his appreciation of art also played a big part on his writing.
He published his first book, INDIA: Shedding the Past, Embracing the Future (1906-2017) with Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd and his other two books, Nehru Saga and Orphaned at freedon – A subcontinent’s tale with BlueRose Publishers. He has been a reader’s favourite because of his writing style and unique point view.
Ashwin Sanghi selected Lulu Press to self-publish The Rozabal Line, a genre-bending thriller. The publication of the Kindle version later that year further added to his success as a self-published author. His achieved greater international success than he did in India. His work was conceived as an ambitious effort that was expected to fail in the Indian market because to its lack of involvement with thrillers, but it found its suitable audience abroad after digital self-publishing. He is now a well-known and successful traditionally published novelist. Nonetheless, he believes in the benefits of self-publishing. Self-publishing not only allows you to tap into other revenue models, but it also allows you to succeed as a writer in ways that traditional publishing may not allow.
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Shubham Shukla, a distinguished professional with a wealth of experience across diverse corporate fields, is a true luminary in the world of business. With his profound understanding of the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, Shubham has consistently delivered outstanding results, driving business growth and maximizing profitability.
Step into the world of “Career Mastery: Proven Strategies for Achieving Success ,” Shubham’s captivating literary masterpiece. Within its pages, he artfully shares his invaluable insights and proven strategies for self-assessment, goal-setting, workplace navigation, professional development, and career advancement. This comprehensive guide, carefully crafted through Shubham’s own experiences and those of accomplished professionals, serves as a compass to help readers master their careers.
Shubham’s unwavering dedication to assisting others in conquering the challenges of the modern job market shines through in his work. With a genuine passion for empowering individuals, he unravels the complexities of the corporate realm, offering actionable advice and transformative solutions. By imparting his wisdom, Shubham equips aspiring professionals with the tools they need to surpass expectations and achieve resounding success.
As you delve into the treasure trove of knowledge that is “Career Mastery,” be prepared to embark on a transformative journey. Shubham Shukla’s visionary approach will unlock your potential, enabling you to navigate the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace with confidence and finesse.
Join the ranks of those who have reaped the rewards of Shubham’s guidance and expertise. Discover the secrets to unlocking your full potential and unleash the boundless possibilities that await in your professional journey.
Author Shubham Shukla, Famous Self-Published Author in India
The concept of creative worth is no longer limited to traditional publishing. Self-publishing is equally, if not more, desirable since it allows a writer to tailor a publication strategy that is most beneficial to them and their work.
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BlueRose Publishers is a self-publishing platform where anyone with the dream of becoming a writer can come and achieve their dreams. You will always be welcomed here always.
Publish your book for free with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more.
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