How to Publish a Children’s Book? Step by Step Guide.

Someone famous once said, “Young minds need to read good books”. Well, in case you are wondering which renowned personality articulated this, I’m afraid to tell you that it wasn’t anyone famous, but me, who came up with this ideology, but, am I not correct? Is it not important for children to read good books? 

In this blog, I’ll tell you how to publish a children’s book in detail. So, let’s get started.

This brings us to the question, what if a young mind has an idea worth sharing, that could be made into a wonderful book for other young minds? Has your child written a book? Are you looking for a Publisher who can publish your child’s idea? This quest of yours will take you directly to the list of publishers of children’s books. 

Read: How to share your story with the world?

There are a good number of children’s books publishers; they may be Traditional Publishers or Self Publishing Companies. Here, we will talk about Self-Publishing a children’s book in detail, and the various steps that need to be followed in order to do so.


Self-Publishing children’s book in India.

How to get a children’s book published?

If the above question is making rounds in your head, you have come to the right place. Let me will guide you through all the steps here. The first thing that one needs to know about Children’s Books Publishing is the variety of choices for the selection of a Publishing House. These companies are either into Traditional Publishing, or Self-Publishing or sometimes both with imprints into different publishing (For example, Hesten is a Traditional Imprint & BlueRose Publishers is a leading Self- Publishing Company).

Choosing a Traditional Publishing House is itself a very tedious and lengthy process, which your child’s patience may not permit to some extent, hence, we will ignore that option, and talk more about Self-Publishing a children’s book. 

Self-Publishing in India has come a long way since it was introduced. 

Gone are the days when writers kept their manuscripts under a pile of papers, forgotten and ignored. They either did not even try to get it published, or conceded defeat in doing so. The reason was obvious, absence of good Self-Publishing Houses. 

These writers were purely dependent on Traditional Publishing houses, which due to its working nature, did not assist budding writers. 

Therefore, they would find it rather impossible to get their work published.

To get your child’s work published, you will start with searching for a Children’s Book Publishers. You would then send your child’s story aka manuscript to one or more of these publishers. Let us discuss the further process at each step bel

ReadHow to self-publish a poetry book?

How to find a children’s book publisher?

How would you know which publishers are accepting submissions for the publishing of children’s books? While most Self-Publishing Houses aim to publish all worthy materials, provided they do not contain controversial or pornographic content, it is best to first ask and directly contact the Self-Publishing House(s) you have in mind. 

After you get in touch with them, they will tell you about the process of submissions and also guide you through the process of preparing your own children’s book. For those of you who love writing books for children, isn’t this process of publishing a lot easier? 

The journey of getting your work published begins with one simple phone call or email, whereon the process of publishing begins is mostly taken care of by the Publishers themselves; all you have to do is choose the package that suits you the best, and provide your approval every step of the way. For writers, who have not yet communicated with a Self-Publishing house, the word ‘package’ may sound a bit unfamiliar. 

Well, I am here to help.

A package is a set of services that a Self-Publishing house offers. To understand this better, let us name a few essential things that are required to publish a book — cover design, editing, translation, copyrights, printing, and marketing, to name a few. Now imagine getting all these services in a set, all you have to do is choose the package of services that best suit your book’s requirement. 

You don’t need to worry if the word ‘choose’ gives you chills. Your assigned Publishing Consultant at these Self-Publishing houses will assist you in choosing a package for your book. 

So, to self-publish your own children’s book, the one thing that you have to do by yourself is choose a Self-Publishing company that you think aligns best with your ideologies, and connect with them via call or email. Everything else will eventually fall in place automatically. 

I wish you good luck for your writing career and hope that I get to read your books soon.

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