Book Review – “Carpet Hug and The Emerald Veil” by Nancy Bansal

Book – Carpet Hug and The Emerald Veil
Author – Nancy Bansal

Blurb – Amidst all the chaos in her life, she holds on to the desperate hope of finding an emerald love, a love that will make her whole. Aparnesh is a village boy whose life is dominated by his family’s carpet business. He has an unsaid debt to her for the freedom she’s brought into his life. 

Is he the love she’s been looking for? Or is it someone, or some thing, else entirely? Even through all the confusion and hurt, she’s thankful for every human who’s been a part of her life, be it her best friend Kafiza or the orphan, Abheer, who taught her what it is to love. Will she find what she knows is around her but just can’t get? And when, if ever, will she forge her own dreams and live?

Review – Nancy Bansal’s novel “Carpet Hug and The Emerald Veil” is a powerful exploration of the universal themes of love, purpose, and human connection. The story follows a young woman, whose name is not given, as she searches for true love and purpose in her life. The protagonist is struggling with chaos in her life and a desperate desire to find a love that will make her feel whole. 

She is searching for what she calls an “emerald love,” a love that is pure and perfect and will make all of the confusion and pain in her life disappear.

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The protagonist expresses gratitude for every human being who has been a part of her life, from her best friend Kafiza to the orphan, Abheer, who taught her what it means to love. Her experiences with these people help her understand what it truly means to be loved and to love in return, and she holds onto the hope that she will eventually find the love that she is looking for.

The novel raises questions about the nature of love and the quest for meaning and fulfillment in life. It also highlights the importance of gratitude, friendship, and the connections we make with others as we navigate the ups and downs of life.

The main character’s struggles with confusion and hurt are palpable throughout the story. She wonders if she will ever find the love and purpose that she knows is around her but just can’t seem to grasp. 

As she searches for an “emerald love,” she learns that love is not a magical cure-all for the problems in her life. Rather, it is a journey of self-discovery and growth that requires patience, self-awareness, and an open heart.

Bansal’s writing is powerful and evocative, drawing readers into the story and allowing them to share in the main character’s journey of self-discovery. The author’s descriptions of the landscapes and cultures of India provide a vivid backdrop for the story, while also adding depth and texture to the characters and their experiences.

One of the strengths of the novel is its emphasis on the importance of relationships and connections. The protagonist’s relationships with the people in her life are complex and layered, with each person teaching her something new about love and life. 

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From Kafiza, who provides a much-needed source of stability and support, to Abheer, who shows her the transformative power of love, the protagonist learns valuable lessons about the human experience and the role that love and relationships play in our lives.

At the heart of the novel is the protagonist’s search for purpose and meaning. She grapples with questions about the nature of existence and the role that love plays in our lives. Her journey is one of self-discovery, as she learns to embrace the complexity and beauty of the world around her and to find purpose and meaning in the connections she makes with others.

Carpet Hug and The Emerald Veil” is a moving and thought-provoking novel that explores the universal themes of love, purpose, and human connection. Bansal’s writing is powerful and evocative, drawing readers into the story and allowing them to share in the main character’s journey of self-discovery.

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