Book Review: Weaving Love Lust Pain a Book by Poulomi Bhattacharya
Blurb – Weaving Love Lust Pain is a collection of ninety poems through which the author wants to take her all readers on a journey from the exciting start to the crushing end of a love affair. The butterflies, the rush of goodness, the feeling that you are floating on top of the world…readers will get the essence of all the phases of love inside every page of this book. Love is a strong emotion of affection and concern for another person. It is a deep and caring attraction. Lust, on the other hand, is a strong overwhelming desire for something or someone. Lust is a need for immediate satisfaction. Love can be painful at times. Hurting helps us to recognize the painful realities of love and slowly but steadily acknowledge our sentiments. While love is the ultimate emotion and heartbreak is excruciating. In this collection, the author tried to combine all the feelings in a single book. After turning the pages readers can connect themselves deeply with each poem in this book with an invisible string. Review – “Weaving Love Lust Pain” is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the complex and often tumultuous emotions that can arise during the course of a love affair. The author does an excellent job of capturing the excitement and thrill of falling in love, as well as the pain and heartbreak that can come with it. One of the things that truly makes “Weaving Love Lust Pain” stand out is the way that the author is able to combine themes of love, lust, and pain so effectively in a way that feels natural and organic. Each poem in the collection offers its own unique perspective on these emotions, and the author does a fantastic job of capturing the complex and often conflicting feelings that can arise during the course of a relationship. Whether it’s the excitement and thrill of falling in love, the pain and heartbreak that can come with it, or the strong and overwhelming desire that can arise in the midst of a relationship, the author does an excellent job of bringing these emotions to life in a way that feels authentic and genuine. Whether you’re in the midst of a love affair yourself or simply looking for something to help you better understand your own feelings and emotions, “Weaving Love Lust Pain” is an excellent choice. The collection is beautifully written and emotionally powerful, and it is sure to provide plenty of insight and inspiration to readers of all ages. So, if you’re looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant read, be sure to give “Weaving Love Lust Pain” a try.

Who is Arun Bhatnagar? Background, Writing Career, and more..
Arun Bhatnagar is as humble as he is successful. Being the grandson of Sri Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, one of India’s eminent scientist. He claims lineage from Munshi Har Gopal Tufta, also known as “Mirza” Tufta, Mirza Ghalib’s contemporary and best known friend, as well as a well-known Urdu and Persian poet in his own right. Read: List of Top 10 Most famous self-published authors in India. Started his career with IAS at the age of 22 in 1966 to 2004. He retired in 2004 and then worked as a Secretary in National Advisory Council from 2004 to 2008. After that he worked in Prasar Bharti for a year in New Delhi. Being successful gave him several life lessons and experiences which somewhere connected him to writing. An avid reader and an appreciator of art and history, he always is gravitated towards the world of literature. The pull was so strong that he planned to write his own book starting with India: Shedding the Past, Embracing the Future (1906-2017) which was published in 2018. Arun Bhatnagar has a very in-dept political knowledge which he wrote beautifully in his three books where he combined his knowledge and his experiences. INDIA: Shedding the Past, Embracing the Future (1906-2017) On the seventieth anniversary, in the year 2017, of the Partition of India, this book is among the latest writings on that horrific saga, which became a defining moment in Asian history. Its repercussions and after-effects are in evidence to the present day. With the blame game for tragedies such as the Partition and the murder of Mahatma Gandhi, the Kashmir and Tibet questions, the China policy, the economic scenario, the social and ethnic challenges, communal strife, and gender violence having gone on and on, an attempt is made to suggest answers. Read: Rashmi Trivedi: Most famous self-published author coming with her next book, Issues pertaining to governance, administration, and foreign policy are addressed at some length. In several ways, the seeds of the troubles and difficulties that have confronted the new India were sown in August 1947 itself. The run-up to independence also witnessed the growth of the Hindutva movement through the Hindu Mahasabha and the RSS and, at a later date, the birth of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS). The BJP of today, with Narendra Modi at the helm, is an outcome thereof. This comprehensive and lucidly written book traces and analyses the journey of independent India’s emergence, as well as the roots of many basic issues and seemingly insoluble problems. It encourages future generations to study the past and learn from their experiences and mistakes. Nehru Saga a Book by Arun Bhatnagar Arun Bhatnagar’s second book, “Nehru Saga,” derives its name and relevance from a May 1972 letter from Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to K. Natwar Singh, the then Indian Ambassador to Poland. A striking feature is an analysis of the political situation and the prospects for the approaching Lok Sabha elections. Read: Book Review – The Eclipsed Sun a Book by Ramita Sengupta The book is dedicated to Pandit Motilal Nehru (1861–1921), with whom the political journey of the Nehru family really begins. When Indira was born to Jawaharlal and Kamala in November 1917 in Allahabad, Motilal, the fond grandfather, prophesied, “This girl is going to be worth more than a thousand grandsons.” Decades later, the granddaughter (now Prime Minister Indira Gandhi) said in an interview aired on French TV that it was not only her father who had influenced her in nationalist politics and that the entire family—her paternal grandfather, grandmothers, her mother, as well as uncles, aunts, and cousins—had been involved in the Freedom Struggle. He thinks that it is more than a coincidence that Priyanka Gandhi’s entry into active politics has commenced in a year that marks the centenary of her great-great-grandfather, Panduit Motilal Nehru, taking over as the Congress President at Amritsar in 1919. Bhatnagar demolishes the view that Nehru imposed a centralised model of economic growth on the country that, on the contrary, had emerged from a broad consensus among politicians, industrialists, scientists, and economists on an import-substituting model of development. He contends that centuries of colonial domination had made Indians wary of the excessive influence of foreign capital and that domestic industry itself urged “protection” (such as through the Bombay Plan of 1944) in vital sectors. Arun Bhatnagar has critically examined the contributions of the Nehrus, pre- and post-Independence, the mistakes committed, such as in the Emergency, and related issues. It carries a chapter on the Kashmiri Pandit community that has produced luminaries of the stature of Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru and Raja Narendra Nath Raina in British India and Dewan Jai Nath Atal, Sir Dayakishan Kaul, and Sir Sukhdeo Prasad Kak in the Princely States. Three members of the extended Nehru family—S.S. Nehru, R.K. Nehru, and B.K. Nehru—were in the ICS. Read: List of 10 Best Free Book Reading Apps for Bookworms. When Indira was born to Jawaharlal and Kamala Nehru in November 1917 at Allahabad, Motilal, the fond grandfather, prophesied: “This girl is going to be worth more than a thousand grandsons.” Decades later, the granddaughter (now Prime Minister Indira Gandhi) said in an interview aired on French TV that it was not only her father who had influenced her in nationalist politics and that the entire family—her paternal grandfather and both grandmothers, as well as uncles, aunts, and cousins—had been involved in the freedom struggle.gb Publish your book for free with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more.

Book Review: Fletcherism a Book by Vaishali Jog
Book – FLETCHERISM – One Stop Solution For Your Desired Body Author – Vaishali Jog Blurb – If there is one aspect of everyone’s life that if sorted can bring happiness, it is health. Most of the people struggle with one or the other health issues and this leads to unhappiness. This book is a one stop solution to the health ailments that people suffer from. All the five principles of Fletcherism have been explained in utmost details along with practical tips to ensure that the reader is able to implement the practice. Read: How to avoid Plagiarism in 10 easy steps. The practice is based on the premise that nature has designed every living being to have solutions within and not to look outside. Nature has designed humans to always lead a happy, blissful life throughout and this is exactly what you would realize on reading this book. Review – As a reader, I go through many different types of books from all types of genres. Even though in today’s world body positivity is a topic that is talked about but if not known properly, it can be harmful. Body positivity is the belief that all people, regardless of how society and popular culture perceive ideal shape, size, and appearance, deserve to have a positive body image. What exactly is Fletcherism? According to Horace Fletcher, Fletcherism is a dietary system prescribing the repeated chewing of food until all taste is lost, and in abstention from food until very hungry. Read: How to write story Plot? Tips, Tricks and Types of Story Plots. The author has combined all their knowledge, experiences, and research into this one book. She has categorised this theme into five parts where she takes the reader through this journey slowly and steadily. FLETCHERISM ONE STOP SOLUTION FOR YOUR DESIRED BODY Click Here From the first category to the last one, the content revolves around the society and the opinions on health along with the topic of food. It majorly covers the myths around the weight also explains the true meaning of a healthy lifestyle. Vaishali Jog explains and clears out the taboo when people say that the more you eat, the more you gain weight, which isn’t the truth. She explains it all through her own journey, her thought process when she was standing on the first step of her transformation journey’s staircase. Read: Here’s a list of 10 Best Libraries in Chandigarh for Bookworms. She believes that the first step is facing the reality and accepting what is the present. Then she goes to the breakdown of Horace Fletcher’s story and how he discovered the concept of Fletcherism following up with the five steps of Fletcherism. She also has added some practical hacks that have been tried and tested by people who have approached her for help. The best part of the entire book is that after each chapter she has given a question to the reader to help them introspect about their journey and opinions that are getting created regarding Fletcherism and a healthy lifestyle.

Book Review: The Settled Homeless a Book by Rover V.
Book: “The Settled Homeless” Author: Rover V. Blurb: In this novel, Dr. Theodore Rae, a renowned name in the upper echelon of global academics, depicts his world as he saw it. Read: How to finalize a Book Title in just 2 easy steps. Ted’s personal life was in shambles from his early childhood. He grew up in the shelter of a prestigious residential school and then attended a premier engineering institute in India. Both helped him earn due recognition for his prodigious scholastic capabilities but did not plant their roots in that country’s soil. Since the time he set out for his doctoral and postdoctoral studies in the USA, Providence has turned Ted into a truly global citizen. The saga is full of remarkable personalities, insightful observations, and intriguing viewpoints. It lifts the veil of myths, enveloping the extraordinary personae akin to Ted and revealing the simple humans hidden underneath. Distancing these awe-inspiring characters with respect and reverence is proven to be a mistake since it is so easy for anybody to relate to their intrinsically simple woes. Review: What if there was a world where facts were more important than myths? Theodore Rae was at the top of the global academic hierarchy but lonely somewhere in his life. The novel, vividly written by a true global citizen, describes the event-filled trip of a well-known but wandering scholar around the world until he finds contentment Read: Here’s a list of Most Prestigious literary awards in 2022 Ted always worked hard in every possible way and achieved so much—he received numerous awards and encomiums during his solitary voyage through several elite institutions spanning lands and seas. The remarkable scholar, who had been homeless and lonely since childhood, was regarded by most as extraordinarily successful in many ways. Nothing gave him a permanent sense of fulfilment THE SETTLLED HOMELESS – A Book By Rover V. Order Here Ted’s exciting job kept him unconscious of his insatiable wants, leaving his life without any direction or purpose despite all his skills and triumphs. He didn’t understand why he was motivated more by events than by his own unconscious goals. Read: How to Write and Publish a Self-Help Book? But even when he had everything, he still lacked something—a touch of love, comfort, and compassion. He often wondered what exactly he needed—he was known, smart, and had a global personality, yet his lonely lifestyle made him question his being. Ted didn’t realise how much his heart craved the warmth, caring, and the loving company he had always missed until Nelly came into his life. He realised this as he watched her love construct a home for them to live in together. The story reminds me of the relationship between Sheldon and Penny—the dynamic is so pure and blended so well with the story. Their personalities are different and therefore complement each other. The simplicity of the love story in Ted’s story was so comforting, with both of them trying to understand each other’s personalities and adjusting while slowly falling in love. Read: How can Pinterest be a great platform for Authors? “The Settled Homeless” is a beautiful story; distancing these awe-inspiring characters from respect and regard has shown to be a mistake, as anybody can identify with their innately basic wealth and misery. Publish your book for free with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more.

Book Review: I am Not My Father a Book by Latesh Shah
Book – I Am Not My Father – Saga of Generations Author – Latesh Shah Blurb – “I Am Not My Father” is an extraordinary piece of fiction depicting the utter reality of our lives for generations together. The story of Arun, the protagonist, revolves around his life from childhood to middle age, evolving his engagement with the other characters, especially with his father, and with his son in the later part. Read: Here’s a List of 15 Best Romance Novels of all Time “I am not my father” narrates a phenomenon of human life in the form of fiction. It emphasizes how unconsciously a son adapts to the characteristics of a father in an attempt of creating a new, separate identity. The engaging and interesting reading of the book leads the readers to see themselves in the roles and characters of the book, making them aware of their thought and behavior patterns. Review – This line we usually say that “we are not like them”. We don’t enjoy being compared but in the society that we live in, we will always be compared. People usually forget that if your compare someone to somebody, it pushes them to lose their individuality. Through generations we have heard that we look like our parents but when that remark is made people forget that we aren’t just talking about the physical similarities, it also is about how we are as people. Latesh Shah has explained this scenario with a fiction story. Read: List of Top 10 Book Clubs in Kolkata. That Everyone should join. He has explained the relation between a father and son, Somchand and Arun. Arun was the first child and therefore had all the love in the world that his parents had the offer but as soon as his siblings came, he had to share the love. Arun was annoyed which can be felt through Latesh’s writing. Arun felt dejected and alone and slowly became a rebel to gain his father’s attention. I am Not My Father – A Book By Latesh Shah Order Here His rebelling made Somchand scold him and then as they both grew, those scoldings became arguments. “I am not my father”, a phrase which later became Arun’s motto. The control over his life suffocated him and therefore his life became a journey of proving his father that he is nothing like him. But he, somehow, was. They thought the same way, wanted the same things – the only difference is that he was the son and Somchand was the father. But after a few years, Arun was the father to his son and was the same disciplinarian as his father was. And when he finally realised that he is different yet quite similar to his father. Read: Look how much will it cost to publish a book in India? He vowed to work on his relationship with his son and wished that one day his son would say, “I am like my father.” The book is a beautiful story and resonating to every end. We are a part of our parents therefore similarities are natural but that doesn’t mean you are them. And one day maybe people will say that you are just like your parents – just make sure that whatever your answer is, it shouldn’t be out of anger or frustration but love and respect. Publish your book for free with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book for free – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more.

Book Review of Heartbeats and Road Routes a Book by Bindu Chelat
Book – Of Heartbeats and Road Routes – 12 unforgettable cab diaries of innocence, nostalgia, and bonding Author – Bindu Chelat Blurb – While the regular cab routine may just seem monotonous to everyday cab-goers, this author tried to make her trips museful by seeking for stories in her many trips assimilating her morning routine, nature’s dynamism, changing auras, winding streets and most importantly the cabbie! Deroute away from your regular day towards a destination of laughter, simplicity, emotions & tales of life as penned down not just from a writer’s perspective, but that of a traveller, not across the globe, but through the very local streets between home & work. Read: List of Top 10 Book Clubs in Chennai that Everyone should Join These 12 riveting cab notes, shortlisted from a 100 more, are sure to leave you smiling and pensive. Amidst frustrating cancellations & unavoidable reroutes, maybe life is just desirous to enhance your journey! The best stories need not come from prodigious experiences, but from daily lives as we route through our turns, embracing the moment whilst capturing its essence, just like in Bindu Chelat’s cab diaries titled “Of Heartbeats & Road Routes”. Review – The compilation of 12 stories which are all connected to drives in cabs are quite alluring. They are simple, raw, natural, thoughts and emotions that showcase a normal life story of human. These stories are not of the author but the stories they heard. Taking detour from your ordinary day to a destination of fun, simplicity, emotions, and life stories written not just from a writer’s perspective, but from the perspective of a traveller, not across the globe, but via the very local streets between home and work. Read: How to create & Publish a Cookbook for free in 2022? Of Heartbeats and Road Routes – A Book By Bindu Chelat Order Now Read: How to self-publish an astrology book in 2022 | Essential Guide Each cab story is narrated by the author but all it says that how the cab driver was, how they were with her. The stories are beautiful as they tell what all they see and go through in a day – cab drivers meet hundreds of people a day and each person is different; some are inviting while others are just straight up rude, some are quiet while some are extremely chatty but some people just get in beautiful conversations with the drivers that it makes them remember each other. For some, the author felt sympathetic while some drivers were way too relatable. Each story starts with the quote that justifies the situation marvellously then an image and then the story. Each story leaves a mark on the author and therefore became a part of the author’s book. The stories are so intriguing and a pleasant experience that even makes my heart move as a reader. If you are interested in reading random destined stories – this is the book to read. Publish your book for free with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more. Happy Reading!

Book Review: Take Care a Book by Saumya S Grover
Book – Take Care Author – Saumya S Grover Blurb – Just two words “Take Care”, but a whole lot of meaning! On average, one human being says this word more than 20 times. “Take care” is not just a word but an emotion to show that we are really concerned. Take care not only of your physical health but also of your emotional health. Read: How to write story plots? Tips, Tricks & Types of Story Plots… “Take Care” talks about the issues that today’s youth face. From parents’ support to career stress, from childhood to adulthood, From first love to heartbreaks, from self-love to “I am enough,” and many more. We all face these issues while growing up and don’t realise that we are not the only ones to face them alone. That’s why it’s important to know about these issues so that if we are going through something, we can heal ourselves. Review: When the whole world is crashing down on you, do you save the world or yourself? The obvious answer is yourself, but the heroic complexion that we humans have somehow spells our doom. We have lost sight of the importance of self-care as we have grown older. Each stage of our lives significantly impacts the future “us,” but only if we are healthy mentally, physically, and emotionally. We don’t often know that when we speak this word to someone, we are truly upsetting them. Read: Here’s a List of Top 10 Online Dictionaries for Writers.. This sentence can be used to start a new conversation or to finish an existing one. Sometimes it stays with us as a motivator, and other times it just adds to our sorrow. When we say “take care,” it is because we are extremely concerned and also because we want them to be more vigilant. Sometimes it merely shows that we care about them, and other times all we need is someone to listen to us. Take Care – A Book By Saumya S Grover Click here Read: List of Top 10 Book Clubs in Ahmedabad that Everyone should Join. I enjoyed the author’s thought process and resonating instances that made me understand her and myself. She is a professor, mother, wife, friend, and, now, a writer. Writing a book that teaches people to take care of themselves is an amazing step to letting people know that it’s okay when sometimes your life is a blunder. Just go to sleep and wake up the next day with a fresh mindset to work that blunder into a sorted mess because obviously a not-messed-up life cannot be made in one day. The author believes that these two words, “take care,” aren’t just words; they are emotions that express our concern and empathy towards someone we know. Sometimes simple phrases like “take care,” “hope you get well soon,” “how are you?” and “you’re glowing” affect someone’s life for the better. It’s amazing how these words with only a few emotions can have such a big impact on someone who is looking for hope or appreciation. Read: Full Comparison Between Expert V/S DIY Publishing. What to choose? The titles of the chapters are intriguing and amusing too: “Headache? “No, it’s heartbreak!” “God…Why me?” and “How do you do it?” are two of my favourites. The best part is that this book “Take Care” is for anyone and everyone; it’s filled with raw emotions and amusing situations. I highly recommend this book and one more thing… Publish your book with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more. Take Care!

Book Review: Faith, Hope and Love by Major Geeta Adhikari
Book – Faith, Hope and Love – Heartwarming anecdotes on real life experiences Author – Major Geeta Adhikari (Retd.) Blurb – This book is a compilation of the author’s life experiences over the last decade. It is about real-life anecdotes on her firm belief in faith, kindness, empathy and her love for life and the uniform. It so happens sometimes that in this fast-paced world, we forget to pause and wonder about the day-to-day blessings of life. Read: List of 15 Best Romance Novels of all time. “Faith, Hope and Love” is the author’s attempt to remind us of those little joys and lessons of life, through her own experiences; both in person and in her profession. Review – If I was ever told that a compilation of stories would mean so much to me, I don’t think so I’d believe you. Faith, Hope and Love is a beautiful book. From the simplicity of the themes to the sophistication of the content – it is a beautiful blend of real-life experiences and literature. “Major Geeta Adhikari” has been very humble in her acknowledgement thanking each and every person who ever contributed in her life and with the making of her book. (One thing that is common between both of us is our love for Bangtan Sonyeondan.) “Major Geeta Adhikari” has shown their journey as a writer as well as a person in her book. As you will continue reading, you will understand the budding writer turning into an established self-published author. The book has pictures that she has clicked herself which shows her love for photography. Read: List of 10 Successful Self-Published Authors who chose Self-Publishing The visuals alluringly compliments the stories that she has shared. Her book is like a peek in her life that she has lived and plan to live in future. She has divided her book in four sections – Close to my heart, Hope and Faith, Other things nice, and Uniform. Faith, Hope and Love by Major Geeta Adhikari Order Now Under Close to my heart, she has written experiences that define her as a person – her likes, hobbies, childhood memories, dreams, reality, ambitions, and small moments that she cherishes. It is quite intriguing to see how she has expressed her heavy thoughts in such simple style of writing. As we enter the section Hope and faith, she has compiled all her experiences that kept her going, everything that she’s grateful for, things that taught her important lessons of life, and much more. The blend of her discipline and her point of view for different things has come out naturally that even a reader would feel a part of her journey. In Other things nice, as the name suggests she includes all small things and memories that make her happy, that gives her joy even in the times of despair. A reader would get an insight that how Geeta Adhikari is as a person. Visit: How to self-publish a Book using BlueRoseONE DIY Platfom Under Uniform, she reminisces her times in the army. Her brotherhood, her team, her squad – a second family with whom she grew up as a strong independent woman. “Faith, Hope and Love” gives us insight in her life and lets us know the difference between Geeta Adhikari as a writer and as a Major. Her anecdotes are heartfelt. The book is a sweet and soothing experience which works as a comfort blanket when in need. If you want to read something humane and raw, something that is filled with emotions, I’d 100% suggest you to read Faith, Hope and Love by Major Geeta Adhikari.

Book Review: The Stranger a Book by Prathna Jogani
BOOK – The Stranger AUTHOR – Prathna Jogani BLURB- ‘The Stranger’ a Book is a restlessly surprising novel that uncovers a series of truths and secrets throughout! It characterizes a young determined girl- Ashvi, who has to leave her home with her brother Advik- who was impossibly talented. She regrets her decision all her life. Soon she finds a job, a place to stay, and also continued her med school. Read: Rashmi Trivedi: Most Famous Self-Published Author in India The Stranger characterizes a young determined girl – Ashvi, who has to leave her home with her brother Advik- who was impossibly talented. She regrets her decision all her life. Soon she finds a job, a place to stay, and also continued her med school. Visit: To Publish Your Book with our DIY Platform. Click here Everything is settled until one day when she finds an old and drafty book. Soon after that, she starts getting’s texts and messages in a mysterious way. The Stranger had begun to stalk her. BOOK REVIEW – It is with a desperate attempt of wanting to leave behind a toxic household that the story kickstarts, soon digging layers and layers of riddles whose answers will leave you amazed. This psychological thriller by Prathna Jogni ensures that the reader is engrossed from the offset by how a pair of two siblings, Ashvi and Advik, will wade through the difficulties of the world alone. The beginning of the storyline thus has a dynamic to it that sets the intriguing tone of the pages that follow. Read: List of 10 Best Free Book Reading Apps for Bookworms A torturing stepmother and her hateful actions towards the two coerce them to take a step that proves to be a critical moment in their lives. A moment that bluntly tosses them in front of facts they could not have imagined, but also one that directs their characters towards a sense of development. To Order: The Stranger a Book by Prathna Jogani Click here In “The Stranger” come across different people who help them in shaping their insights about what they wish from life. Furthermore, they are embraced by humanly relations they had never experienced before. Ashvi’s encounter with Rupriya and Olivia familiarises her with a conjunction of two aspects of life that make one fathom what they deserve. Read: What are the main elements of creative writing? Though all and sundry seems to be getting better for the two, the looming shadow of something shady in the back keeps one turning pages after pages. The engaging veil is completely weaved once Ashvi chances upon an old diary and begins to receive text messages and cloth pieces from a stranger. Unlike slow paced thrillers, “The Stranger” never loses its grip and is a must read for readers who enjoy a thrilling one sitting read. Publish your book with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book for free with our online DIY platform – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more.

Book Review: Stirrer a Book by Kanishq Banka
Book – Stirrer Author – Kanishq Banka Blurb- Everyone has to kill to survive. ‘Stirrer’ is the story of the ones who have figured it out; those who are figuring it out; and those who don’t know where to start. An assassin, a photographer, a police officer and a chaotic journey of coveted love, bare lust, indifferent murders, and seething revenge. Stirrer moves through the gloss and charms of the Bombay Times to the dark side of the city and the darker corners of the psyche. Read: How to write story plot? Tips, Tricks and Types of Story Plots Review: A psychological thriller at heart, ‘Strirrer’ follows three different people as they lead their chaotic life in Bombay. The opening chapter follows Rafaan as he mysteriously observes a pub, commenting upon various people that come and go. We don’t know who he is, or what he does, building up the intrigue. Aanaya is a photographer who conducts photoshoots for wealthy individuals. Iqra, the third character in the story, is a police officer who is somehow connected to Rafaan. These mysteries intensify as the story progresses, each of their lives getting entangled. To Order: Stirrer a Book by Kanishq Banka Click here This book is a fast-paced thriller, keeping boredom miles away. There is no better way to satisfy that itch when you’re in the mood for some suspense than with a killer book, literally. In addition to making you flip the page quickly and leaving you feeling uneasy about what’s to come, thrillers never fail to get your heart racing. This one too stands true to the expectations one has with thrillers. This psychologically intriguing narrative weaves a gripping tale delving deep into the dark corners of the mind. The twists and turns keep you hooked to the story, making you turn pages one after another. Read: List of 10 Best Free Book Reading Apps for Book Worms The city of Bombay itself comes alive and becomes a character in this narrative. The deepest darkest secrets of the city are portrayed enigmatically. The author, Kanishq Banka is a writer, traveller and film maker. He has published four fiction novels including ‘Stirrer’. He is presently working on a script for his production house, as well as a novel on a Kashmiri poet. If you are looking for a well-written thriller to keep you up at night, look no further. ‘Stirrer’ will not disappoint you. Publish your book with BlueRoseONE and become a bestselling author. Don’t let your dream of becoming an author fade away, grab the opportunity now and publish your book for free with our online DIY platform – be it fiction, non fiction, poetry or more. Happy Reading!